Your Vision Deserves
Great Talent
A great casting should be an experience. Producers, directors and Ad Agencies need a partner they can trust to deliver incredible talent so they can focus on the production itself.
At Phoenix Casting, Expect Amazing Service With Every Interaction.
Clients Receive
In Depth
Project Analysis
Real Time Insights & Progress Reports
Free After Hours Support
Live Casting Links
It’s no secret PHX Casting is deeply connected to the acting community. Our casting team is trained to ensure every actor is relaxed and free to be themselves on camera. Your vision deserves great talent.
Brands We Worked With
So What is the Process?
Clear and simple. At PHX Casting, our mission is to serve both actors and clients in an effort to bring projects to life. As actors ourselves, we believe in creating a welcoming and productive atmosphere for actors to feel confident and prepared for clients in the audition room. We strive to put talent first so they can deliver their best performance. An audition at PHX Casting is not your typical casting, it’s an experience. The only thing left to decide is… when do we start?
Connect to your vision
Customize your strategy
Cast great talent
Completely exceed your expectations
Casting Team
Casting Director
Casting Associate
Casting Manager