Josh Lind


Josh Lind

Native to Atlanta, Georgia, Josh Lind who is a competitive speed drifter, percussionist and actor, has quite literally drifted and experienced so many walks of life. In training at the Dearing Studio, he began with zero expectations and allowed the process to work its way into his life. Matt and Josh discuss vulnerability and the various life experiences Josh has had that ultimately led him to the Dearing Studio.


What brought you to the Dearing Acting Studio?

In 2016, I had a two person production team follow me around for a year of competition racing……I talked them into letting me write and direct skits along with the racing, and I realized I fell in love with creating content and the process surrounding production.

How has the studio influenced your mindset as a person?

Learning how important foundation blocks are to your process. It has been so great for the technical side of me to dive into analysis and find the artistic side of me.

If you could describe Dearing Studio, how would you describe it?

The first word that came to my mind is exhausting…..Exhausting in the way that you have a hard day at work but knowing that you accomplished something. Exhausting in the way that you are so tired, but rewarded from loving the work.