The Definition of Positivity
Welcome back to another Mornings with Matt podcast, the definition of positivity. Today we have special guest Danielle Parker on to talk about remaining positive and pushing forward no matter what stands in the way.
Danielle is an extremely successful high school teacher. She is an extremely positive light in our studio, and has been focusing on mastery since she started classes in January of 2018.
Danielle has a very strong faith in the lord which is something we admire about her. She’s truly a godly woman, and is always looking for ways to serve.
Matt talks about the importance of keeping your mind right in the midst of uncertainty.
Inc conclusion, no matter what extenuating circumstance, the one thing you can always control is how you react.
Becoming Essential
One of the biggest thing our team has learned is the importance of becoming essential. You might be asking, how could you as an acting school in a small market?
Firstly we focused on what we provide that people need. The conclusion of this was personal development and community. Figuring this out was the easy part!
Secondly we turned our focus from problems to solutions. How can we provide amazing classes during a shutdown?
Thirdly, we focused on Innovation. We created this show for personal development. Then created new technology to teach actors virtually.