So you’re wondering how to become a commercial actress, right? A good question, especially if you live in a small acting market where commercials will become your primary source of income as an actor. After all, whichever market you’re in, you’ll need to know where to find auditions.
Well, I’m here to tell you that you can be a commercial actress as long as you are willing to put in the work. In this blog I’m going to tell the story of my wife, Leeann Dearing’s journey from theater into commercial acting success. The following 5 tips on how to become a commercial actress and get you closer to making acting your day job.
3 Tips On How To Become A Commercial Actress
- Look Like A Commercial Actress
- Study The Best Commercial Actors
- Take Commercial Acting Classes
When I met my wife I remember her telling me that she didn’t think she had the “Look” to be a commercial actress. The truth was that she felt much more confident in theater acting because it was familiar to her, but nonetheless, she was lying to herself. Of course, this was all before she landed huge commercial accounts with Godaddy, Tilted Kilt, Arizona Lottery, PetsMart and so many others. (All while living in Arizona by the way.)
Leeann Dearing is one of the most successful commercial actresses in Phoenix, Arizona.

I know I’m bragging a bit about my wife here, but she really is proof you can become a successful actor, no matter where you live. Below are some resources we have available both free and paid to help you get started in you commercial acting career.
FREE BLOG: Commercial Acting Tips to Make You More Money With Arizona Actress Carol Bennett
FREE ACTOR TIP VIDEO: How To Break Down A Commercial
There are some great commercials out there. Your job is to go out and find them. See what the actors did to get the job and how the successful commercials got noticed. For instance actress Monica Ruiz said of her viral peloton bike commercial, “Honestly, I think it was just my face.”
One of my favorite commercial actress stories is that of Stephanie Courtney. Or as you probably know her, Flo The Progressive Girl. Here’s an article by Business Insider that details her journey. But if you don’t read the article, let’s just say that Stephanie Courtney didn’t make it in commercials because of her “look”. She struggled, competed and trained. Which leads us to tip number three on taking the right acting classes to be commercially successful.
If you’re going to be successful in this industry you are going to have to work for it. Taking an acting class consistently is not an option. This tip is the biggest one that will impact your future.
Here’s an example of how the commercial world has been changing since the Corona Virus and how actors can still thrive. This video is an improvised commercial for Bubbly done on the Dearing Acting Studio Podcast .
And Finally here is a link to our online acting course: Build a Successful Acting Career without Moving to LA or NY
Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this article and have any questions or comments we would love to engage in the comments below.