WORKSHOP: Acting Is My Day Job

Class Details and Updates

What to expect…

Hello everyone! We’re so excited to welcome you into this amazing workshop. We say it in the book and we mean it… it’s officially time to forget everything you think you know about the acting industry. No matter what “they” say, a successful career in the acting profession is actually possible for anyone.


  1. Men’s Intuition by Itmar Moses (Take-Ten-II-Ten-Minute-Play) – Khalid Alkhafaji & Aamani Anderson
  2. I Ought To Be In Pictures by Neil Simon – Tony Eckstat & Alex Gordon
  3. Proof by David Auburn – Toni Martin-Hanson & Cassidy Peng
  4. Orphans by Lyle Kesslar– Jack Osgood & Rodolfo Romero

Important Details

Scene Study Performance

This session we have 4 scenes going up in class. The class will be two days in a row – August 24th & 25th. Be sure to plan ahead in order to be fully available for your scene partner. Students are expected to be fully present during class and then meet with their scene partner after day one in the afternoon/evening to rehearse/prepare for the following day.

Theater Rehearsals

On the days leading up to Masterclass there will be various time slots that are available to sign up for a rehearsal here at the studio. Each scene may reach out to us for one hour sessions in the theater to rehearse with props. Props will need to be taken home after every rehearsal. 

Set Map

On your first in studio rehearsal, take a picture of the stage set (including props) so we have a set map on file. 

Weekly Expectations

Week 1 Expectations – (July 28th – August 3rd)

  1. Buy assigned play/script immediately (that means NOW – waiting for the play to come in the mail is not a valid excuse for not being prepared!
  2. Read the play & memorize the scene.  
  3. Read the play 2 more times! 
  4. Meet with your scene partner either in person or over video 2X to discuss your roles and begin the memorization process together. 
  5. RETURN PLAYS: Review tape from previous masterclass .

Week 2 Expectations – (August 4 – August 10)

  1. Meet with your scene partner at least 3X to solidify memorization as a team. 
  2. Begin the process of blocking, finding costumes & props.
  3. Read the play 2 more times! 
  4. Complete Character Breakdown Document. Everyone should have this document from reading Acting is My Day Job! Please get this and read it, if you haven’t already.
  5. *Memorization Note* Be sure you don’t underestimate memorization. Better to be solid for two minutes than just “OK” for ten. If an actor gets hung up on memorizing…that will be your critique.

Week 3 Expectations (August 11th – August 17th)

  1. Read the play 2 more times! 
  2. Be fully memorized. 
  3. Answered the character breakdown handout.
  4. Have an ongoing and consistent rehearsal schedule with your scene partner.  
  5. THIS WEEK – This week is dedicated to a “next level” grind.  Find the time to dig in deep with your scene partner as many times as possible for extended periods of time.  Experiment with movement, voice, etc.
  6. Stage maps are due by August 18th. Actors must email studio with a photo of your set with all props included.
  7. STUDIO REHEARSAL TIME: If you’d like to schedule a time to rehearse in the theater at the studio please reach out to [email protected] to book a time slot. We would like every scene to come in for a blocking rehearsal before masterclass.

Week 4 Expectations – (August 18th – 24th)

  1. Be fully memorized blocked and rehearsed. 
  2. Final preparations.  You should be meeting with your scene partner as often as possible.  Get ready to bring your best into the intensive weekend.

Masterclass Schedule

Below is the schedule for Masterclass. Plan to be early and attend the entire class to support each other and maximize your experience.

SATURDAY AUGUST 24TH – Masterclass Doors Open at 9:00AM

First scene of the day must arrive by 10:45AM for stage set up and sound test.

10:00AM-11:00AM – Orphans by Lyle Kesslar– Jack Osgood & Rodolfo Romero

11:15PM-12:15PM – Proof by David Auburn – Toni Martin-Hanson & Cassidy Peng

12:30PM-1:30PM – LUNCH BREAK

1:45PM-2:45PM – I Ought To Be In Pictures by Neil Simon – Tony Eckstat & Alex Gordon

3:00PM-4:00PM – Men’s Intuition by Itmar Moses (Take-Ten-II-Ten-Minute-Play) – Khalid Alkhafaji & Aamani Anderson

Masterclass ends at 4:00PM. The studio will then be open for working actors to rehearse their scenes for the following day.

SUNDAY AUGUST 25TH – Masterclass Doors Open at 10:45AM

The studio will be made available in the morning for actors to rehearse their scenes. First scene of the day must arrive by 10:45AM for stage set up and sound test.

11:45AM – 12:45PM – Proof by David Auburn – Toni Martin-Hanson & Cassidy Peng

1:00PM-2:00PM – Orphans by Lyle Kesslar– Jack Osgood & Rodolfo Romero


3:15PM-4:15PM – Men’s Intuition by Itmar Moses (Take-Ten-II-Ten-Minute-Play) – Khalid Alkhafaji & Aamani Anderson

4:30PM-5:30PM – I Ought To Be In Pictures by Neil Simon – Tony Eckstat & Alex Gordon

Masterclass ends at 5:30PM. All working actors please be sure to take all your props, costumes etc. and help clean the studio at the end of class. Thank you.